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Does Engaging a Website Speed Consultant Make Sense for Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs)?

by | Jul 8, 2024

Close-up of multiple GPUs installed in a computer rig, with green indicator lights showing they are active.
Studies indicate that a mere one-second delay in webpage load time can result in a 7% decline in conversions, an 11% fall in page views, and a 16% reduction in customer satisfaction. However, in addition to the numerical data, websites that load slowly undermine confidence and damage the reputation of your company. A website speed consultant is essential for executing strategic optimizations that significantly enhance the performance of your website, rather than just making minor adjustments.

A sketch of a website speed consultant in a suit and a red tie, holding a briefcase and climbing a set of stairs.

In short, the significance of website speed for SMBs cannot be emphasized enough.

The influence of website speed on user experience

A smartphone with various rating icons on it and a sad smiley as a tombstone on a purple background.

The correlation between website speed and SEO rankings

Website speed is a significant criterion for Google when calculating search engine results. Google has emphasized the correlation between website speed and SEO effectiveness by introducing Core Web Vitals, which we discuss in more detail below. Websites that have fast loading times and offer a smooth user experience are more inclined to get higher rankings in search results, resulting in more organic traffic and visibility.

The impact of website speed on conversion rates

Website speed, along with user experience and SEO, significantly impacts conversion rates. Studies have demonstrated that a mere one-second delay in the time it takes for a webpage to load can result in a 7% decrease in the number of conversions. SMBs must prioritize having a quick website in order to optimize conversion prospects and fulfill their business objectives, such as generating leads, making sales, or increasing sign-ups.

Person wearing a Superman t-shirt under a button-up shirt, pulling the shirt open to reveal the Superman logo.

Considering the crucial significance of website speed in the online achievements of SMBs, seeking the assistance of a website speed consultant can have a transformative impact. A consultant with expertise in speeding up websites is a proficient professional that specializes in examining, detecting, and fixing any impediments that could potentially slow down your website. Therefore, these experts can provide customized solutions to enhance the speed of your website, resulting in improved user experience, search engine rankings, and conversion rates.

Performing an extensive evaluation of website speed

An experienced website speed consultant will begin by preparing an audit action plan on which a comprehensive assessment of your website’s performance will be based. This involves examining variables such as the time it takes for a website to load, resources that hinder the rendering process, and the overall score of the page’s performance.Cartoon of an office shows one person at a cluttered desk on the phone and another handing over some files.

Website speed consultants utilize a variety of tools, methods, and strategies to perform a thorough investigation when optimizing website performance. We will talk about these in a bit, but first, let’s discuss Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics introduced by Google to evaluate the user experience on a website, focusing on aspects such as loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. The key factors include:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures how long it takes for the main content of a page to load and become visible. Aim for an LCP of less than 2.5 seconds on mobile devices and 4 seconds on desktop devices.
  2. First Input Delay (FID): evaluates the responsiveness and interactivity of a webpage, focusing on how long it takes for the page to react when users click or tap on elements. Aim for an FID of less than 100 milliseconds.
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Assesses visual stability by measuring layout shifts that occur during the loading process. Aim for a CLS score of less than 0.1.

By optimizing websites to meet these Core Web Vitals metrics, or rather, requirements, speed consultants can improve the user experience and potentially boost search engine rankings in Google’s algorithm updates.

Screenshot of a website speed analysis report by Lighthouse, showing a score of 75 with details on performance metrics.There’s a host of other tools and strategies frequently employed by website speed consultants to do thorough analysis. Let’s briefly explore some of them:

Google PageSpeed Insights offers vital analysis on areas that require enhancement, including image optimization, browser caching, and server response times. De facto standard.
GTmetrix is a website performance testing tool that helps detect problems like slow-loading scripts, big graphics, and server setups that could be negatively affecting the speed of a website.
Pingdom Website Speed Test enables assessing a website’s loading time and performance from several global regions. In that way, the tool offers the possibility of identifying specific geographical areas where loading speed is not satisfactory, tracking performance in real-time, and obtaining performance ratings.
WebPageTest offers in-depth performance data, including loading duration, content breakdowns, and waterfalls for each individual page element. Helps identify optimization opportunities.
Lighthouse is free software by Google that helps evaluate web pages for performance, accessibility, adherence to best practices, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Based on the results of these and other tests, the speed consultants can create a comprehensive action plan to improve individual issues and optimize the website by identifying areas with specific speed optimization needs.

Implementing technical optimizations to improve loading times

Tree branches meticulously shaped and trained to form a chair-like structure in a grassy garden setting.After conducting a website speed audit, the expert will apply technological adjustments to enhance the speed of the website. In many cases, the so-called render-blocking resources, such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript scripts, or images, are significantly slowing down the loading of a webpage by causing it to “render” (display) these elements before other content.

This can result in an unpleasant user experience and negatively impact website speed. In many cases, solving these problems will significantly improve the website’s speed, satisfying both the website owners and page speed tests. However, there’s a host of other possible optimizations in addition to render blocking resources, We will only mention the former in passing on this occasion and address them in more detail in one of our future posts.

Render-blocking resources

The issue with render-blocking resources is primarily due to their placement within the HTML code, which causes them to load sequentially. When a browser encounters one of these files, it must pause the loading process to download and execute that resource before continuing to display other content on the page. This can lead to “flash of white” or “flickering” issues where users see an empty webpage for a moment before the stylesheets load and the content appears.

Line chart showing browser page load time displaying fluctuating times.

To address the render-blocking resource related issues, savy website speed consultants will optimize the site’sperformance by implementing techniques such as:

  • Inline critical CSS: Embedding important style rules directly into the HTML code can reduce the number of render-blocking requests and speed up page loading times.
  • Load JavaScript asynchronously or defer non-critical scripts: By using async or defer attributes, browsers can download and execute JavaScript files in parallel with other content, improving overall performance.
  • Optimize image sizes and formats: compress images to reduce file size without compromising quality, and choose the appropriate format (JPEG, PNG, WebP) for each use case.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN can distribute content across multiple servers worldwide, reducing latency and improving overall site speed.
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files: Removing unnecessary characters such as whitespace, comments, or formatting from these files reduces their size and improves loading times.
  • Prioritize above-the-fold content: Loading the most important page elements first (typically those visible when a user first lands on the site) can provide a better initial experience for users while other resources load in the background.

Other potential technological adjustments

Snowman with a top hat and blue scarf next to snowman with a red hat and scarf holding a hairdryer aimed at the first one.

Besides eliminating render-blocking resources, there are several other technological adjustments that can be made to speed up a website:

  • Optimize server response time: Ensure the webserver is configured properly and has sufficient resources to handle requests quickly.
  • Use browser caching: Set appropriate cache headers for static files like images, CSS, or JavaScript scripts so browsers can store them locally and load from their cache instead of downloading each time.
  • Leverage browser preload/preconnect features: instruct the browser to prefetch certain resources in advance to reduce latency during navigation between pages.
  • Minimize HTTP requests: Combine multiple CSS or JavaScript files into one, and use CSS Sprites for images to reduce the number of individual file downloads.
  • Use asynchronous loading techniques: load non-critical scripts or stylesheets asynchronously using the async or defer attributes so they don’t block page rendering.
  • Implement lazy loading: delay the loading of content that is not immediately visible on the screen, reducing initial page load time and improving overall performance.
  • Use gzip compression: Serve compressed versions of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or other files to reduce their size and speed up download times.
  • Optimize database queries: Improve query efficiency by using indexes, caching results, or optimizing SQL statements for faster response times.

Ensuring continuous support and maintenance to achieve optimal performance

Yellow caution sign with an image of a foot stepping on a toy brick.In addition to initial adjustments, a website speed consultant can offer continuous support and maintenance to ensure optimal performance of your website. This include monitoring website speed measurements, resolving any emerging performance issues, and keeping abreast of the most recent web performance improvement techniques.

Metrics for Monitoring Enhanced Website Speed

When it comes to enhancing your online visibility, a critical component to prioritize is the speed of your website. Engaging the services of a website speed consultant can have a substantial impact on improving user experience and achieving superior outcomes for your online presence.Person in a trench coat with a surprised expression pointing forward, accompanied by large text: "THAT'S NOT A KPI!!!.

Metrics are crucial in assessing the effectiveness of optimizing website speed. By monitoring essential indicators, you may assess the efficiency of the enhancements implemented by the website speed consultant. Below are few crucial parameters that should be monitored:

  • Page Load Time: This metric quantifies the duration it takes for a web page to fully load. Optimizing page load speed is essential for retaining visitors and minimizing bounce rates.
  • Time to First Byte (TTFB) refers to the duration it takes for the browser to receive the initial byte of data from the web server. A lower Time To First Byte (TTFB) signifies a webpage that loads more quickly.
  • Page Size: The dimensions of your web pages have an effect on the time it takes for them to load. Optimizing graphics, scripts, and other elements can decrease the size of the page and enhance its speed.
  • Mobile Loading Speed: Given the growing prevalence of mobile devices, it is crucial to monitor the speed at which your website loads on mobile platforms. The loading speed of mobile devices can have a substantial impact on both the user experience and SEO rankings.
  • Conversion Rate: Enhancing the speed of a website frequently results in an increased conversion rate. Keeping an eye on website analytics, especially the conversion rate, prior to and subsequent to enhancing website speed can aid in quantifying the influence on your business objectives.
  • Bounce Rate: A website with slow loading times can lead to increased bounce rates, as users are more inclined to leave if the site takes an excessive amount of time to load. Tracking bounce rates after implementing speed optimization can provide insights into whether the modifications are having a good effect on user engagement.
  • SEO Performance: The speed of a website is a critical determinant of its rankings. Measuring measures such as organic traffic, keyword ranks, and search engine exposure can be useful in evaluating the influence of enhanced website speed on SEO effectiveness.

By monitoring these measures prior to and subsequent to engaging with a website speed consultant, you may measure the enhancements in your website’s speed and overall digital performance. It is important to keep in mind that speed is not only a measurement, but also a vital factor that can greatly enhance your online presence and lead to success.

Selecting the Appropriate Website Speed Consultant for Your SMB

When choosing a consultant to improve the speed of your SMB’s website, it is crucial to take into account certain elements to guarantee that you are collaborating with the appropriate competence.

Assessing Proficiency and Skill in Enhancing Website SpeedPerson uses a giant wrench to tighten a large peanut, while another person says "There's a problem with the nut”.

Seek out a consultant that has a demonstrated history of success in optimizing website speed. Request details about their experience assisting SMBs and their skill in resolving typical speed-related issues that enterprises of your scale frequently face.

Evaluating previous client success stories and testimonials

"Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year" cover featuring an alien creature with wings and green tentacles.
Solicit case studies or client testimonials showcasing the consultant’s proficiency in enhancing website speed and delivering measurable outcomes for SMBs. An esteemed consultant should be capable of presenting tangible achievements from their past projects.



Analyzing the Consultant’s Methodology for Continuous Support and Maintenance

A bar graph with cartoon faces on five purple bars.

Request information regarding the consultant’s methodology for delivering continuous support and maintenance. Make sure they have a thorough strategy for continuously evaluating and improving website speed, in keeping with your small to medium-sized business’s long-term objectives for online performance.


In conclusion

In the current era of rapid technological advancements, people have a strong anticipation for immediate and seamless access to information. A sluggish website can discourage prospective clients and hinder your online achievements. By recognizing the need for a website speed consultant, you show your dedication to providing excellent user experiences and optimizing your online presence.Illustration of a rocket launching next to a computer screen showing a red, upward-trending line graph, symbolizing growth or progress.

Make sure that sluggish loading times do not hinder your website. To enhance your online presence, seek guidance from a specialized site speed optimization consulting service.

The portrait image of Boštjan Klajnščak who is the author of this article.
Boštjan Klajnščak
Versatile and experienced professional with a diverse background in market research, business strategy, and digital marketing. After obtaining Executive MBA, he ventured into the dynamic world of digital marketing, where he specialized in on-site technical SEO.
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